Efficient Groundwater Management
The Hemphill County UWCD provides for the conservation, preservation, protection, recharging, and prevention of waste of groundwater. We work toward preserving groundwater reservoirs or their subdivisions within the defined boundary of the District. This is achieved through rules, education, programs, District-provided services, along with the mutual cooperation of local, state, and federal agencies. We have been serving Hemphill County since 1997.
What We Do
Groundwater Conservation Districts
Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) are local political subdivisions created by the Texas Legislature to protect and balance private groundwater interests with the unique geology, hydrology, climate, recharge rates and demands of a region that can best be managed by locally elected or appointed leadership.
The Texas State Legislature in 1949 authorized the creation of Underground Water Conservation Districts to perform certain prescribed duties, functions, and hold specific powers as set forth in Article 7880-3c, Texas Civil Statutes, now codified in Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code. In 1994 a committee appointed by the Hemphill County Commissioners’ Court reviewed the need for Hemphill County to either join an existing groundwater district or in accordance with the statute form a single county district. After investigating other districts and discussions within the county, the committee recommended that a single county district be formed. The Hemphill County Underground Water Conservation District was created the following year by the Hemphill County Underground Water Conservation District Act (Act of May 19, 1995, 74th Leg., R.S., ch.157, 1995 Tex. Gen. Laws 1007). The District was confirmed by a local election held in Hemphill County on November 4, 1997 with 88% of the voters in favor of the District.